30 January 2025, 12:30 CET
ESGITM: Healthcare for VFR Travellers, Working with the Migrant Diaspora
Organised by: ESGITM
Co-chairs: Dr Irene Losada, Barcelona, Spain and Prof Peter Chiodini, London, UK
Topics and speakers
1. Malaria prevention_ Dr Diana Mabayoje, London, UK.
2. Chagas disease_ Dr Leonardo de la Torre, Barcelona, Spain.
3. Vaccination strategies for the migrant population_ Dr. Maria Ganczak, Poland.
Each speaker has 30 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
The registration link for participants is: https://escmid-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R-KujrO3R5m_sJMwtwSFmg
on ESCMID Web symposia page.
International Short Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine.
Infectious Diseases Training & Research Centre (IDTRC), Christian Medical College, Vellore, India